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Exhibitor Information

Attendee Rates

The address for the delivery of postal items to the venue is:


FAO: Joe Harris            

Liveable Neighbourhoods

Ozone Room

16th May 2023


Chadwick Court



Please ensure you put your company name on each item, this will make it easier to identify.


Please ensure any advance deliveries are not made before 15th May 2023. Also ensure that the exhibition name is clearly stated along with the date of the exhibition.


Please be aware that the venue will not take responsibility if any consignments are misplaced.

Exhibitor Set Up

The exhibition is taking place in the Ozone room which is located on the lower ground floor

Set up is from 08:15 - 09:00


The exhibition format is open plan, tabletop style. Please note that shell schemes are not supplied for this event.

Loading Bay

The venue loading bay is located on the Lower
Ground Floor. This can be accessed via the ramp
to the left of the building. Max. headroom in the
loading bay is 2.7 metres (image below)

On arrival, please report to reception, and a member
of staff will accompany you to the loading bay. This
ramp services other buildings, so vehicles cannot
be left in the bay after unloading. For nearby parking
facilities, please ask a member of the team. The
access road is one way, and comes out on Paris

The loading bay doors open into the Ozone room.

Please note: the narrowest point in the loading bay
area is 800 mm, so any larger items will need to be
deliverered through the front door.

Landor LINKS & 15Hatfields will take no responsibility for any items that are missing or damaged.

Important timings:

17th April

Company Profile Information deadline

If you have yet to supply a company logo (.eps file) and 250-word profile text, please send this to no later than Monday 17th April 2023.

10th May

Delegate Places deadline

Please inform us of all your attendees by supplying the following information to no later than 10:00 Wednesday 10th May 2023

(if names are not provided by this time, they may be denied entry.)

  • Full name*

  • Job title*

  • Company*

  • Email address

  • Dietary requirements

*Will be used on delegate badges.




Getting to the venue



Car Parking

Nearby Hotels

Exhibitor Information

The most up-to-date exhibition floor plan can be found here: Exhibition Floorplan

Post Event

Items must be collected from the venue by 09:30 on Thursday 18th May at the very latest.


Mark Luker

Landor LINKS

+44 (0) 207 091 7865

Loading bay
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