Shaping Streets For People
The Liveable Neighbourhoods Conference & Exhibition
The 3rd Liveable Neighbourhoods conference will shed light on the key components needed to create streets that work for everyone.
There will be practical insights from local authorities on the process of improving neighbourhoods from solid stakeholder engagement, through to design, implementation and monitoring. The day’s proceedings will include a session on why robust engagement with local people can make a big difference.
This year’s event devotes a whole session to dealing with misinformation and the need for good data. The panel will explain why it is crucial to gather strong, irrefutable evidence that highlight the benefits of making streets less car-centric. Panellists will explain how to dispel myths, gain public trust and win hearts and minds.
The Liveable Neighbourhoods Best Practice Guide launch
The Liveable Neighbourhoods conference will also see the launch of The Liveable Neighbourhoods Best Practice Guide, which Landor LINKS are publishing in partnership with Transport for London.
The guide will be made available to delegate attendees and includes best practice hints and guidance for the successful mobilisation and implementation of healthy neighbourhood developments, Liveable Neighbourhoods and community regeneration projects.
There will also be session on why a holistic approach to improving streets is more likely to achieve behaviour change. This encompasses School Streets, Play Streets, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and bus priority measures.
Another key theme at this year’s event, organised by Landor LINKS in partnership with Transport for London, will be climate resilience. Specialists will map out the myriad benefits of rain gardens, pocket parks, planters and parklets. Not only do these greening projects enhance wellbeing and improve community cohesion but they also help tackle flooding and air pollution.
This event will offer an invaluable overview to anyone who is involved in the important work of shaping streets for people. It will be attended by policy makers, council officers, consultants, suppliers, campaigners and academics.

An inspirational programme with case studies
Delegates at the Liveable Neighbourhoods conference will have the opportunity share best practice in design, discuss common challenges and opportunities, to network, to make new contacts and to gain inspiration.
This year will include plenary sessions, workshops, site visits and panel discussions.

Showcase your products and services to the sector
The Liveable Neighbourhoods exhibition provides a unique opportunity to showcase and demonstrate your products and services to key decision-makers, budget holders and those responsible for the provision of specialist consultancy services, air quality monitoring and purifcation solutions, walking and cycling infrastructure, cycle hire services, e-Bikes, streetscene products and lots more.